
A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of



Phonix is a video streaming cross-platform mobile application. User can stream their favorit shows & movies. User also can download it

AI News

AI News

Voice command base NEWS web app. It's work only on voice command, Like `Give me the latest NEWS`, for AI part I'm using Alan AI and for frontend React.js & Metrial UI.



This is cross platform mobile application build in react native. Reason behind making this app is people send the road, street light, crossing problem to government, and government also store the problem.

Done With It

Done With It

donw with it is part of learning React Native advance concepts. This app is for selling your old or unused things.



Craete this website for a college spots event. Student can register for spots, This site is work as portal. In this site show live scrore, spots schedule, game rules.



This is single page wesite. It's a tour booking related website design. I make this website using react.js + SCSS. This website is part of learning SASS & React

Shopping Application

Shopping Application

This is cross plateform mobile application build in react native. Application is basic shopping app. Use can login and register, add product. Cart option is also available .

To Do List

To Do List

This is task manager application. Maintain your daily task and remind you task on time. Show completed and next task list.